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eFramwork inte bara brittiskt
JISC tillkännagav idag detaljer kring sina ambitioner att göra eFramwork till ett internationellt initiativ.
“Increasingly standards are international in scope and therefore JISC cannot work alone; working under a collaboration agreement with the Australian Department for Education, Science and Training (DEST), JISC is leading this international initiative which it is hoped will attract support from other partners.”
eFramwork syftar till att optimera elärandet som nu hindras av att information inte kan utbytas mellan ofta inkompatibla system. eFramwork är serviceorienterat = “means breaking down monolith applications such as a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) into its core components eg authentication, authorisation, course management, assessment, marketing, tracking and content management. Such an approach maximises the flexibility and cost effectiveness with which systems can be deployed.”
Angreppssättet och den underliggande strategin liknar i stor utsträckning det tänkande som ligger bakom arbetet med mjuk infrastruktur. Förefaller naturligt att också det arbetet “ansluts” till eFramwork.
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