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Medicinsk information (bilder) på din iPod
Ett mycket innovativt sätt att utnyttja iPods i medicinska sammanhang har utvecklats i Schweiz. Osman Ratib, som är professor och chef för “nuclear medicine at the University Hospital of Geneva” har medverkat i utvecklandet av ett program kallat Osirix. IDet programmet gör att man kan spara och titta på medicinska bilder på sin iPod, svilket innebär stora besparingar när det gäller utrustning på sjukhuset.
Mer om detta kan man läsa i en artikel av Osman Ratib publicerad på CNN. Professor Ratib skriver bl.a.:
“The software has a function that enables the physician to strip the image of any personal data that identifies the person, like their name, their date of birth etc. As long as that is done then it is a secure, anonymous system.
The software is open source so the code is available on the Net for people to hack and improve. In our recent surveys we estimated that we have 6,000 active users worldwide. The past two months showed an average of 200 downloads per day, with peaks up to 1,000 downloads per day when new versions were released.
It’s not rocket science but it’s taking something that’s been designed for the consumer market and using it for something that’s medically driven.”
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