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Terrorns offer
The Angry Arab News Service den 15 juli 2006: “Obehagliga bilder som ledsagas av följande text:
Dear friends and colleagues ,
You will all have to excuse me for sending this. It’s pictures of the bodies of babies killed by the israelis in South lebanon. They are all burnt. I need your help. I am almost certain these pictures won’t be published in the West, although they are associated press pictures. I need your help exposing them if you can.
The problem is these are people who were asked to leave
their village , Ter Hafra , this morning , within two hours , or else. … So those who were able to flee went to the closer UN base where they were asked to leave. I think that after the Qana massacres in 1996 when civilians were bombed after they took chelter in UN headquarters , the UN does not want to be responssible for the lives of civilians.
A FEW MINUTES AGO , the Israeli asked the people of Al Bustan village in the south to evacuate their homes. I am afraid massacares will keep happening as long as Israeli actions are uncheked.
Please help us if you can
Hanady Salman”
(från The Angry Arab News Service.)
Technorati Tags:
Israel, Palestine, Swedish, English, Politics, Utrikespolitik, Politik, Socialdemokraterna, Ali Esbati, Statsterrorism
Hittade detta via Ali Esbati som kommenterade (ironiskt):
“Att mörda barn och ord
Mellanösterns enda demokrati angriper terrorns infrastruktur och visar återhållsamhet i sin rätt att försvara sig.
PS. Just don’t mention the occupation.”
Också publicerade hos Jinge.
Jag finner inga ord för detta…
Tyckte också att det inte fanns något att säga.
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