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Ockupanters moraliska deformering
ABC News: Victim: Gang-Rape Cover-Up by U.S., Halliburton/KBR: “A Houston, Texas woman says she was gang-raped by Halliburton/KBR coworkers in Baghdad, and the company and the U.S. government are covering up the incident.”
(Hittat via Daily Kos – KBR Rape: Can You Imagine?
by MissLaura.)
En 22-årig kvinna från Texas har berättat hur hon först våldtas av ett gäng och sedan spärras in i en container. Förövarna är anställda i samma företag som kvinnan. Företaget är inhyrt av USA och del av ockupationsstyrkorna i Irak.
MissLaura skriver:
We’ve heard a lot of it before, with Blackwater guards not being held accountable for killing Iraqis, and Blackwater not being held accountable by the US government. But as wrong as it is to try to cover up for having murdered a lot of people by claiming that they shot at you first, those people are dead. You’re criminally trying to cover your own ass, but you’re not causing them any further suffering. It takes a special something, it seems to me, to say “we don’t want to be held accountable for the gang-rape of this woman we employ. Hey, let’s lock her up under armed guard without food and water.” What was the end game there? Was the intent to let her out once they’d broken her and she wasn’t going to report it? Did they even have a plan? And this, mind you, wasn’t a matter of the rapists themselves trying to cover up their actions. This was a decision made by someone high up enough in the company to assign guards to a damn storage container.
This is what the government of our country has bought and paid for.
Givet att kvinnans berättelse är sann så ställer denna händelse en rad frågor kring hur deltagande i ockupation, dvs orättfärdiga krig, påverkar människors känsla för vad som är rätt och fel. Det ställer också en rad frågor kring hur USA med olika medel håller sina trupper utanför folkrättsligt ansvar. Det understryker det absurda i att anlita privatarméer.
USA – rättstat?
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