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Licens att stjäla
Daily Kos: License to Steal: " Asset Forfeiture, a government issued license to steal, backed up by a crew armed to the teeth, and divisions of consiglieres and judges all in on the take that would make any old style Mafia Capo look like an amateur. Some reported examples are appalling:
Police stopped 49-year-old Ethel Hylton at Houston’s Hobby Airport and told her she was under arrest because a drug dog had scratched at her luggage. Agents searched her bags and strip-searched her, but they found no drugs. They did find $39,110 in cash, money she had received from an insurance settlement and her life savings; accumulated through over 20 years of work as a hotel housekeeper and hospital janitor. Ethel Hylton completely documented where she got the money and was never charged with a crime. But the police kept her money anyway.
Asset Forfeiture comes stamped with the kind of genuine bipartisanship that’s suddenly so in season these days. The proponents of the abominations include folks like Sen. Orrin Hatch and Vice-President elect Joe Biden. On the side of civil liberties is also a bipartisan collective including none other than Instapundit:
The drug war has been a massive failure: a waste of money, of lives and of time. It’s also been accompanied by extensive inroads on traditional American freedoms: property forfeitures, ‘no-knock’ searches, expanded wiretap authority, and the destruction of financial privacy, to name just a few. These are inroads that have served the agendas of bureaucrats but that haven’t done anything to solve the problem that was claimed as their justification. And the drug war’s combination of intrusiveness, corruption and ineptitude calls into question the government’s ability to carry out the war on terrorism.
The original motive behind asset forfeiture was sincere: deter drug traffickers and other organized crime kingpins by ‘hitting them in the pocketbook.’ But the road to hell is paved with good intentions, eh? "
(Hittat via Daily Kos.)
Vi verkar importera betydligt mer än McDonalds och CocaCola från den stora “demokratin” i väster.
Dessutom är det väl faktiskt dags att ompröva den svenska narkotikapolitiken – avkriminalisera bruk och innehav för eget bruk, sälj narkotika på Apotek och lura alla kriminella drogditributörer på profiten.
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