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Daily Kos: For the Burmese, We Can Do More than Talk and March: " As Amy Goodman writes:
Fueling the military junta that has ruled for decades are Burma’s natural gas reserves, controlled by the Burmese regime in partnership with the U.S. multinational oil giant Chevron, the French oil company Total and a Thai oil firm. Offshore natural gas facilities deliver their extracted gas to Thailand through Burma’s Yadana pipeline. The pipeline was built with slave labor, forced into servitude by the Burmese military.
The original pipeline partner, Unocal, was sued by EarthRights International for the use of slave labor. As soon as the suit was settled out of court, Chevron bought Unocal.
Chevron’s role in propping up the brutal regime in Burma is clear. According to Marco Simons, U.S. legal director at EarthRights International: “Sanctions haven’t worked because gas is the lifeline of the regime. Before Yadana went online, Burma’s regime was facing severe shortages of currency. It’s really Yadana and gas projects that kept the military regime afloat to buy arms and ammunition and pay its soldiers.”
It’s not just Chevron and Total and the Thais which underpin the generals. At its website, the group Campaigning for Human Rights and Democracy in Burma provides a “dirty list” of the many companies who make things easier for the country’s thugs. These include the Houston-based Baker Hughes (oil and gas products) and BJ Services (oil services), Korea’s Daewoo, Japan’s Mitsui and Suzuki, Britain’s Rolls-Royce, Germany’s Siemens, and the truly multinational Schlumberger, now based in Houston."
(Hittat via Daily Kos.)
Kanske behöver inte så mycket mera sägas. Själv har jag i mycket begränsad utsträckning deltagit i stödet till det burmesiska folkets kamp för demokrati – typ skrivit på någon namninsamling, gått med i någon Facebook-cause. Funderat har jag gjort när det gäller tre saker – varför är det en kvinnofråga, mängden munkar och kravet på OS-bojkott. Det senare adresserar Kinas roll och i samband därmed (jag är egentligen mycket okunnig när det gäller Burma) en undran om vad detta egentligen handlar om – alltså vilka intressen tillvaratar diktaturen i Burma?
Amy Goodman ger i citatet ovan en inte helt oväsentlig pusselbit. Följer man spåret från de företag som alltså exploaterar Burmas naturtillgångar hamnar man bland annt i Houston. Houston ligger i Texas. Från Texas kommer…..?
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