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Om IT i skolan
För den som är intresserad av vad som händer när det gäller användandet av IT i skolan finns det möjlighet att prenumerera på ett nyhetsbrev som ges ut av EUNs observatorium för ny teknik och utbildning med det insiktsfulla namnet Insight.
Insight Newsletter: “The Insight Newsletter brings you the latest articles published on Insight, EUN’s observatory for new technologies and education. The newsletter covers issues related to ICT policy and practice. It will appear every two months.”
Det senaste nyhetsbrevet är just nu inte publicerat på nätet men de tidigare är det. En artikel från det senaste numret refererar till en specialrapport The ICT Impact Report från vilken jag citerar rekommendationen när det gäller policy (det som vi antar att bland annat regeringen skall stå för):
“Future key aspects in the field of policy making are to support the transformation process and management of change, of which ICT is and enabler and amplifier. New competencies, such as team work, independent learning or higher order thinking skills are part of a new education context with ICT and should be formally taken up in national curricula and assessment schemes.(min markering) Concerning the continuous professional development of teachers, it will be important in the future to implement new forms of training; training that place in workplace environment, is part of peer learning, is much more personalized and adapted to the individual needs and wishes of teachers and in the long term helps to support lifelong learning of teachers. Initial teacher training, not tackled in this review, is also seen as an important area for improvement in the future. The evidence shows that ICT impacts most with e-mature schools. Policy makers should therefore work towards ensuring that the majority of schools (80 per cent by 2010 for example) reach this point. The value of high quality digital content, support services and highly motivated teachers in schools are essential in this respect.”
Hela rapporten, författad av Anja Balanskat, Roger Blamire och Stella Kefalla, som bygger på 17 olika studier från de senaste åren av ITs inverkan på lärande och undervisning (alltså både ur elev- och lärarperspektiv) finns som pdf-fil.
Currently playing in iTunes: It I Had Possession Over Judgment Day by Eric Clapton
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ICT in schools, EUN, IT i skolan, Politik, Utbildning
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