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Polen – dagens mjukvarupatentmotståndshjältar!!!
Jag citerar helt fräckt direkt från Gnuheter:
Polen har tillfälligt räddat oss från att EUs ministerråd utan diskussion godkänt ett direktiv som inneburit en harmonisering med det europeiska patentverkets praxis att bevilja rena mjukvarupatent.
Polens representant, Wlodzimierz Marcinski, för Polens vetenskaps-ministerium, krävde att rådets direktivtext ströks från jordbruksrådets agenda som en A-punkt att godkänna utan diskussion.
Chairman Mr Veerman:
Yes, I understand the Polish intervention in such a way that it concerns a request to take this point off the list, because Poland still desires a few more specifications regarding certain points. I propose to honour this request.
Yes? Then point 16 has been removed from the A-items list.
Enklast hittar du mer info på Gnuheter – länk dit finns under Nyhetsflöde
Yes, Mr President, may I say that the Commission regrets the withdrawal of this item from the agenda, as the Commission attaches great importance to its own proposal, as well as the agreement on the common position that was reached during the Competitiveness Council.
Chairman Mr Veerman:
I propose to take note of this remark of the Commission. And I stand by my proposal to remove point 16 of the agenda. That is the case, so then that is decided. Then move to point 15 …
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