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Extremly upset, my wife denied visa
Today I experienced a decision made by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kampala witch in its essens can’t be described as anything but racist. For those who know me you know I don’t use that word lightly . So whats the story you might ask:
More than one and a half year ago I was introduced to a woman in Uganda on Facebook through her sister who I know here in Sweden. Rather fast we sort of klicked in so many ways and soon we found are selves in love. After a year it felt like we know each other and we decided to get married. I went to Uganda in August and met with her kids and family and we had this nice wedding and a fabulous week.
After that we continued our contact mostly on Messenger while applying for a permit for her to come to Sweden to stay. It took a couple of months to get all the paperwork ready, but as soon she had completed that application we applied for a visa for her to come and visit for some months – application for permit for your wife to join you in Sweden can take years. We wanna meet as much as possible during this time of course and its much easier for her to come than for me to go there because of work. And more importantly we would have the honeymoon we did not have time to celebrate in August.
Now the Royal Norwegian Embassy has denied her that visa with the motivation
”After considering different aspects of the application, the Embassy does not find the applicant to have sufficient ties to her home country, to outweigh the risk of the applicant remaining in the Schengen area past the date set by an issued visa.”
Read this one or two times, what does it mean. They have no reason to believe that a person who is married and who has applied to get a permit to unite with her husband should violate the conditions of a visa. That would be totally stupid. The only rationale for this motivation comes in some of the next sentences
”Reference is made to our experience that many applicants consider job and income prospects in Sweden and other Schengen countries be more attractive then in their home country.”
To me this means that she never will be allowed a visa, not because her case has been tried on its own merits (married and with an application for a permit to stay with her husband in Sweden submitted) but because she is african and coming from a poor country. That is called racism.
This makes me outraged. I am gonna do what ever I can to help my wife appeal – but my respect for the Royal Norwegian Embassy is severely damage.
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Henrik-Alexandersson.se: Skall bankerna få sätta yttrandefrihetens gränser?: ”Bankerna borde självmant avsäga sig rätten att göra moraliska bedömningar som leder till inskränkt yttrandefrihet och kringskuren näringsfrihet. De bör istället lämna frågan om vad som skall vara tillåtet respektive förbjudet till lagstiftarna – och sedan strikt hålla sig till det.”
Håller inte riktigt med den gode Alexandersson. Banker har ingen rätt överhuvudtaget att agera någon slags åsiktspolis. De tillhandahåller en infrastruktur för betalningar och det ska de hålla sig till. Lagstiftaren ska inte heller ålägga bankerna några polisiära eller rättsliga uppgifter. Om någon åtalas och döms (obs man ska betraktas som oskyldig tills man är dömd – och har det visat sig i vissa fall nog även efter dom) ska naturligtvis tillgångar som bankerna disponerar kunna förverkas.
Om det är så att det regelverk bankerna nu tillämpar emanerar ur de stora aktörernas mycket märkliga ”rätt” att bestämma vem som får skicka pengar till vem (läs VISA och MasterCard) så är det väl dags att vi skapar ett alternativt glo´balt system för örmedling av betalningar som inte kontrolleras av USA.
Håller t.o.m. med Gudmundson som skriver ”Företag som agerar självutnämnda moralpoliser beger sig ut på ett sluttande plan, där det i slutändan inte finns några fria varor, fria kunder eller fria företag. Bankerna, om några, borde veta bättre.”
Mycket bra reflekterat hos Enligt min humla
Technorati Tags:
Åsiktsfrihet, Ekot, Frihet, Henrik Alexandersson, Integritet, Per Gudmundsson, Moralpanik
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